Fellowmind kåret som verdens bedste Microsoft Project and Portfolio Management partner
Fellowmind er netop blevet udråbt som vinder af Microsoft Project and Portfolio Management Partner of the Year 2020 Award. Kåringen bringer ProActive allerforrest i det globale førerfelt indenfor Project and Portfolio Management.
I forbindelse med årets Microsoft Inspire event har Microsoft netop offentliggjort vinderne af Partner of the Year Awards 2020, og det er med enorm glæde og stolthed at kunne dele nyheden om, at vi har vundet prisen som Microsoft Project and Portfolio Management Partner of the Year 2020. Vi kan således kalde os for verdens bedste Microsoft Project and Portfolio Management Partner.
Globalt top-felt af Microsoft Partnere
Med prisen bliver Fellowmind som en af verdens førende Microsoft-partnere således hædret for indenfor det sidste år at have demonstreret ekspertise inden for innovation og implementering af kundeløsninger baseret på Microsoft-teknologi.
These partners go above and beyond, delivering timely solutions that solve the complex challenges that businesses around the world face – from communicating and collaborating virtually to helping customers realize their full potential with Azure cloud services, and beyond. I am proud to honor and congratulate each winner and finalist.
Det er en stor ære for Fellowmind at blive anerkendt for vores ekspertise på verdensplan, og vi er således utroligt stolte af denne tilkendegivelse fra Microsoft.
It is a huge honor to be awarded the worldwide Microsoft Partner of the year 2020 and be able to share this prestigious recognition with our entire team, customers and partners. Our team journey started 4 years ago, which is considerably short, but we had great leadership and, most importantly, an extremely committed team of talented people. We are very proud and humble for this award. Thank you Microsoft and to all of our customers.